How To Direct Downloads To D Drive UPDATED
How To Direct Downloads To D Drive
If the Downloads folder is eating aways you C drive space, here are the steps to move the download binder in Windows ten.
An average internet user downloads a lot of stuff, be it software programs, media files, game files, documents, etc. Whenever you download something in Windows, it volition be automatically stored in the Downloads binder. This is smashing considering you don't have to dig through different folders to observe the downloaded file. Besides, this eliminates the need for your installed applications to create or set their own downloads folder.
In Windows, each user has their ain Downloads folder within their home directory located in the C drive. To be specific, you can find the downloads folder at C:\Users\<username>\Downloads\ location.
As you download different things, the downloads binder gets crowded and takes up the precious hard drive space in the C drive. This is specially truthful if you lot don't clean upwardly the downloads binder regularly. Filling up C drive limits the number of applications you tin install and might even testify depression disk infinite alert. Not to mention, when yous re-install Windows or when y'all cannot kicking into information technology, y'all might lose all the files in the Downloads folder.
To avoid that, you can move the downloads folder to another drive in Windows x. This makes sure that you lot are not filling up the C drive with random downloads. Personally, moving the downloads binder to another bulldoze is 1 of the offset things I do later installing Windows.
Hither's how to move downloads folder to some other drive in Windows 10.
Note: I'm showing this in Windows 10 only the same method will work on Windows seven and Windows 8.
Spring to:
- Benefits of moving downloads folder to some other drive
- Steps to move downloads folder to another bulldoze in Windows 10
Why Change Default Downloads Location in Windows x? (Benefits of Moving Downloads Folder)
At that place are many benefits to moving the downloads folder to another drive. Here are some of them:
- As the downloaded files are stored on some other sectionalization or drive, you will have more infinite in C bulldoze.
- Ability to access downloaded files even when you are dual booting.
- The downloaded files will be rubber even when you reinstall Windows.
- The downloaded files can exist accessed even when you lot cannot kick into Windows.
Since the benefits are out of the way, follow the process below.
Motility Downloads Folder to Another Drive
Before you tin movement downloads folder, you start have to create a new downloads folder in the new location.
one. Open the File Explorer with the keyboard shortcut Win +E.
2. Go to the drive where you lot want to move the downloads binder, right-click and select "New > Folder." Name the new folder as "Downloads." The name doesn't have to exist Downloads, you can name information technology whatever you want. In my case, I created the Downloads folder in the root of E:\

3. After creating the folder, right-click on the original Downloads binder under Quick Access and select the selection "Backdrop."
Note: If you can't find the download folder under Quick Admission, you tin find it under your habitation directory C:\Users\<username>\
. Supercede <username> with your actual Windows username. Once replaced, information technology looks something like C:\Users\Vamsi\

4. In the properties window, become to the "Location" tab and click on the "Move" button.

v. In the Select a Destination window, go to the folder you created earlier, select it, and click on the "Select Binder" button.

6. The new location will exist added to the backdrop window. Click on the "Employ" and "Ok" button to salvage changes.

seven. Yous will exist prompted whether you would similar to motility all the files from the one-time to new location. Click "Yes" to continue. I recommend you to motion the files so that you tin can access all the files in the new location.

8. As soon as you lot click on the button, Windows will move all the files to the new location. Windows will likewise change the folder icon automatically. This is your new default Downloads binder in another drive.

From now on, anything you download will be automatically stored in the new downloads location. Just similar before, you can access the new downloads folder from your home folder or past clicking on the "Downloads" link under the "Quick Access" department in the File Explorer.
You tin can utilise this exact method to move whatever binder in Windows to another drive or location. If y'all like this article, do bank check out how to delete Windows BT and Windows WS folder to free a lot of waste infinite in the C bulldoze. Annotate beneath to share your thoughts or whatever issues you face when moving the downloads folder in Windows.
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